S4 (Andarine) – For Cutting Purpose
S4 (Andarine) or Acetamidoxolutamide, is a type of SARM . S4 is said to be the most effective type of SARM which helps retain lean muscle mass while also stimulating fat elimination at the same time. S4 (Andarine) is also developed as an enhancing medication which helps to reduce muscle wasting. To put it simply, S4 (Andarine) helps you;
- For cutting and fatburning
- Can use for bulking/recomp
- Burn fat without losing muscle
- Increase muscle & muscle endurance
- Easy for you to use
- Inexpensive cost and no need for PCT
- No effects on liver toxicity, cholestrol inbalance or water retention
- No acne outbreak, no hair loss
- Result in ripped muscle look
Supplement Facts

S4 (Andarine ) Medical Studies
There have been an ample of studies done on andarine. For instance, one study showed that taking a small dosage of S4 everyday restored skeletal muscle. Furthermore, in comparative studies with dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an increases in bone mass and strength were observed at a higher rate with andarine than with DHT. In addition, more studies showed that andarine was more effective at losing fat and creating lean muscle mass, and it did so in a shorter amount of time with significantly less side effects than anabolic steroids.
S4 (Andarine) – How It Works?
All SARM’s work by binding to the androgen receptors, which results in anabolic activity. Furthermore, there is more protein synthesized, allowing more muscle to be created. These effects are similar to those seen with anabolic steroids. However, in the case of SARMS, there is no aromatization, liver strain, severe HPTA (hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis) suppression and general side effects.

12 Weeks per Cycle
12 weeks are perfect for one whole cycle of consuming S4 (Andarine).Easy To Consume
Instructions on consuming S4 (Andarine) is so easy, just take 1 capsule twice a day.Half Life 6-8 Hours
The time period for S4 (Andarine) to take effect and stay in your body is 6-8 hours.25 Milligram Dosage
SARM S4 (Andarine) comes in capsule form which contains 25 Milligram per capsule.Stacking
Andarine can be used by itself, but it works even better when stacked because different drugs and compounds will work in synergy. There are a few ways to stack Andarine. All milligram (mg) examples are daily dosages, and you can run Andarine for up to 12 weeks at a time.
1. For endurance: you can stack Andarine at a low dose with Cardarine (GW 501516) at 20 mg per day for an increase in endurance.
2. Fat loss: the best shredder stack would be the combination of 20 mg of Cardarine with 50-75 mg of Andarine. This combination is well known as a potent ‘cutting’ stack.
3. Anabolic steroid stack: Stacking Andarine as part of an anabolic steroid cycle is a good way to help increase strength and lean muscle mass without giving additional side effects to your cycle.
4. As a stand alone: Andarine used by itself at 50-75 mg. It is, in my opinion, one of the best SARMs for increasing strength quickly. You will be moving more weight within 1-2 weeks, and the side effects will be minimal.
5. SARMs triple stack: If you want to recomp, Andarine stacks beautifully with Cardarine and Ostarine (MK 2866).
Hi, I would like to become a wholesaler for your product here in Sabah , Malaysia. May I know how to get the products from you
Hello Mr. Kelvin
Thank you for your interested to become our wholesaler. Can you give us your contact number and email, so we can contact you for further discussion.
Best Regards
PSL Team
Hi! Thanks for this info! Great article.
How do I purchase this product
Hello MR. Yvonne
Can we know your location and can you give us your contact number and email, so we can forward your detail to the our nearest drop shipper.
Best Regards
PSL Team
If i stack S4 & GW. Let say i will jogging at the morning & workout at the evening. When should i take the capsule? 1 capsule of S4 & 1 capsule of GW before i make the jogging and workout will do? If not going to do any exercise on that days, i need to just take 1 capsule of each products before breakfast is it? What is your recommendation of taking this stacking? Looking forward to get your prompt advise.
Hello Mr Jin Lim
Thank you for your inquiries. We suggest you to workout at least 6 times per week when using this products. So you are recommend to take GW two caps per day (morning and evening ) even though you do not perform any workouts. Not like s4, you just take 5 times per week, twice per day .
Best Regards
PSL Team
How to purchase them?
Hello Mr. Claarence.
Thank you for your inquiries. Can you give us your contact number and email, so we send your contact number to the nearest distributors in your area.
Best Regards
PSL Team
PM for S4. TQ
Hello Mr. Lucas Low
Thank you for your inquiries. For any orders regarding puresciencelabs products, you can forward your detail, location and contact number to this email, inquiries@puresciencelabs.com. We will forward your detail to nearest distributor based on your location.
Best Regards
PSL Team
Hi, what does the 12 weeks per cycle mean? does it mean I need to stop taking it after 12 weeks? Any side effects whatsoever if I take it continuously after 12 weeks?
Hello Mr. Hazzy
Thank you for your inquiries. We recommend you to stop taking SARMS after 12 weeks of usage and must do a mini PCT by taking normal testosterone booster for two weeks.
Best Regards
PSL Team
Hi, thanks for your reply. in the description above, it states that there is no need for PCT. Is it ok if I don’t do it? Should I shorten the cycle then?
please advise
Hello Mr. Alfred
Thank you for your inquiries. Yes, you can shorten the cycle, but we recommended you to take for 12 weeks for maximize the result.
PSL Team
Where are you located
Please Email us, your location and Country. We will get our Nearest Distibutor to Contact you.
if let say i just doing home workout with dumbell, pushup and jumprope in the morning before & after working hours, how many should i take?
i`m trying to reduce some weight and build same muscle. or got any other product that suits those conditions better you would like to recommend to me?
Hi Mr.Hazwan,
I Strongly Recommend you to take S4 + MK2866 because :
*S4 (Andarine)
– For CUTTING and Fat Burning
– Burn Fat without Losing Muscle
– Increase Muscle & Muscle Endurance
– No Effects on Liver Toxicity, Cholestrol Inbalance or Water Retention
– No Acne Outbreak, No Hair Loss
* MK-2866 (OSTARINE)
– To Gain Lean Muscle
– Can also use for Cutting
– No Liver Toxicity, Cholestrol Inbalance or Water Retention
– Increasing Lean Muscle
– Joint & Bone Healing Activities
– Increase Strength